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Doc McStuffins Porn: What scared parents need to know now

Doc McStuffins Porn: What scared parents need to know now

Doc McStuffins porn is not much of a stretch. It’s like the writers, producers, and directors are not even trying to hide the innuendos any more. Like Zootopia rule 34, some depraved people have made porn out of this already questionable sounding story. But is the show really that bad?

What is Doc McStuffins?

Doc McStuffins is a Disney Junior show about a little girl who plays doctor with her stuffed animals and other toys. Like most Disney Junior dribble, each show goes along at a consistent beat with them doing stuff, a child related “problem” occurs, and McStuffins provides a bogus diagnosis and fixes the hypochondriac’s “health issue.”

Along the way, you get to hear the theme song in the beginning along with the Time for Your Check Up song about halfway through each episode.

When one episode plays on Disney Junior, it’s not that bad, but, as you might imagine, watching several episodes in a row on Disney+ will end in your lost sanity.

What is Doc McStuffins porn?

If you read my Zootopia Rule 34 post, you’d know that rule 34 of the Internet states that if it exists, there is porn of it. The same rule applies to Doc McStuffins. You can find- and maybe were looking for – Doc McStuffin related pornographic images and videos online without much trouble.

From what I have seen with a shallow dive into this dark, dark area of the web, a lot of it features doctor and patient related images and videos unrelated to Doc McStuffins cartoon characters.

Others featured sexualized versions of some of Doc McStuffins’ characters along with comedic, sexual memes about them. One that I remember featured the lamb (Lambie) with two new holes asking why the Doc’s dad put two new holes in her.

I’ll let you imagine where he placed those “holes.”

Why would someone make Doc McStuffins porn?

The simple answer boils down to the fact that there are some sick sick fucks out there.

That said, its more surprising that I didn’t find more pornographic images or videos featuring the characters. The title writes itself for a trashy porn about a sleezy doctor who mc-stuffins all his patients, spreading his stuffins around everywhere.

It practically writes itself and could make for an interesting series of low budget pornographic crap.

It doesn’t help that her catch phrase, if you can call it that, is “The doc is in.” Again, not a stretch there to consider what the doctor may have just entered or when said doctor would utter those words.

Like I said, writes itself based on actual Doc McStuffin dialogue.

Then there are the lyrics to the two repeated songs making the need to make a Doc McStuffins porn a given. A sample of the lyrics:

It’s okay if you giggle
This will only tickle a little
Time for your checkup
Time for your checkup

Doc McStuffins – Time for Your Check Up – Disney Junior

It’s okay, don’t be afraid
The Doc really knows her stuff

Do, do, do you know what’s good for you?
The Doc is gonna help you feel better
Oh, oh, oh, it’s the place to go
When you feel a little under the weather

Let Doc McStuffins do her thing
To get you right back in the swing
Doc McStuffins, Doc McStuffins
Come let the visit begin

The Doc is in

Doc McStuffins Theme Song – Disney Junior

So yeah, the writers of the show set the framework for some good old fashioned Doc McStuffins porn, so it was really only a matter of time before people started to make memes, images, and videos of this crap.

Imagine what would happen if a good smut writer got hold of the material? It would be McStuffins gold.

Is the actual Doc McStuffins show questionable at all?

Doc McStuffins is a computer generated animated series about a little girl who pretends to be a doctor checking up all her animals. For young children, the annoyingly catching songs, simple plots, consistency in the story telling, and morals are probably quite enjoyable.

For an adult watching it, my god, don’t let them binge watch this one. Any Disney Junior show that features a theme song and a mid-episode song becomes irritating real fucking fast.

My wife can’t stand the show, or similar ones like Mira, Royal Detective, for that very reason. The constant barrage of same two songs just gets to her.

I’m usually able to tune the crap out as long as I am trying to get some work done. But when watching it with the kids, its not good, not good at all.

Still, if you are a worried about content, Doc McStuffins features literally nothing “bad” that a site like Common Sense Media may point out. And they point out some really weird stuff, like “tension” in The Little Mermaid.

Other Disney Junior shows to consider

Interested in reading sarcastic reviews that may or may not help you cope with watching Disney Junior crap? Check out these reviews: