Since Bluey season 3 partially released in the United States on Disney+, the best Bluey episode definitively changed. This will likely change once again when more of season 3 and eventually later seasons release, but for now, I’ve ranked the 12 best episodes of Bluey so far*.
*Your opinion may vary. Not responsible for your poor taste in Bluey episodes or differences of opinion.
What's in this review
Best Bluey Episode – Top 13
If you are feeling like streaming only a few of the best episodes of Bluey on Disney+, you’re a bit odd. Still, this list should serve as a helpful starting point to filter out all the crap and focus only on the best.
Crap is relative here. Any Bluey episode is inherently more tolerable compared to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
Looking for something new to do as you watch Bluey? Try finding the hidden long dogs. Or, cheat and look up where you can find them here.
13. The Decider
Also known as episode 37 of the 3rd season, The Decider shows the Heelers and Lucky’s family getting together for the big rugby game. The Heelers and most of Lucky’s family support one team, while Lucky’s mom supports the other team and stays at her house to watch the big game.
This leaves Lucky’s brother, Chucky, confused. He doesn’t want to miss the fun with his dad and friends, but he also doesn’t want to abandon his mother.
What makes the episode interesting is that it serves as a pretty clear metaphor for children going through divorce and dealing with the mixed emotions involved in “choosing a side” even when both parents are generally amicable about the whole thing.
Others relate to the episode because it depicts a child figuring out what they like despite the pressure around them to pick a side. Either way you look at it, its a smart episode.
Of course, if you prefer to keep things simple in your mind, it’s a Bluey episode that should be relatable to just about any family that watches sports and divides based on the teams they support.

One of the best parts of the episode happens when a confused Mackenzie shows up with his family at the end and the Heelers yell out “we’re gonna flog ya!”
12. Camping
Also known as episode 43 of season 1, Camping shows Bluey develop a friendship with a French-speaking Jean-Luc. Despite a language barrier, the pair develop a friendship, meeting every day until his family abruptly leaves.
Presumably, he tried to tell her he was leaving but was unable to due to the difference in language.
Camping, like the other best episodes of Bluey on this list, offers a deeper meaning to children – and some adults too – that you should embrace the fleeting moments of joy that come into your life. And sadly, even good moments come to an end.
11. Onesies
Also known as the saddest episode of Bluey, Onesies (episode 31 of season 3) shows us Aunt Trixie for the first time.
For the kids, the episode features crazy antics as Bingo transforms into a crazy animal when she dons Aunt Trixie’s gift of an animal onesie.
Parents and other adults will pick up on the sad undertone of the episode. Aunt Trixie stopped visiting Bluey and her family following a miscarriage and probable fertility issues.
For anyone who has experienced pregnancy loss, the episode hits hard, so this may not be the best episode of Bluey for parents.
10. Pass the Parcel
In Pass the Parcel (episode 14, season 3), Lucky’s dad (Pat) becomes upset when he sees the modern rules of the popular game where everyone gets a prize with each removed layer of wrapping paper. Traditionally, only the final holder of the parcel (that’s British or Australian for package for all confused Americans out there) gets a prize.
Pat proclaims “We’re raising a nation of squibs.”
At the next party, Lucky’s dad facilitates the game and plays with traditional rules. This causes an uproar as child after child leaves the game because they didn’t get a prize when the music stops. The other parents become annoyed because of the upset children they have to tend to.
Bandit reminds him, “This isn’t the 80s Pat.”
But as time goes on, the kids and other parents start to see the value in the traditional game rules at party after paryt. Bingo, despite losing every time, requests “Lucky’s dad’s rules” for her party.
The entire episode confronts the notion that “everyone” needs a prize or trophy to have fun. Not surprisingly, it sparked a lot of debate in Australia about the proper way to play the game.
Some feel it criticized their parenting. And it probably did.
The reality is, if you play pass the parcel or something similar at your kid’s birthday party, do it the way you want. Don’t let a thought provoking children’s show featuring anamorphic dogs make you feel bad about yourself or your parenting style.
9. Duck Cake
In Duck Cake, Bandit gets tasked with making a duck shaped birthday cake for Bingo. The episode is the 44th episode of season 2.
It is one of the few episodes where you get to see the “darker” aka more cluttered side of the Heeler household and the aftermath of likely hours worth of imaginative play. Bandit insists that Bluey clean up her toys while he makes the cake.
Bluey learns a valuable lesson about the satisfaction that comes from completing difficult tasks as Bandit curses as a cake saying “oh duck cake.”
Other fun lines come from when the family remembers Chilli’s attempt to make a clown birthday cake and Bluey describing it as “He was NOT a funny clown.”
Really makes you wonder what horror she constructed. Clowns are creepy enough without making a monstrosity of a cake.
8. Double Babysitter
Double Babysitter is the 39th episode of season 2 of Bluey. It is the first introduction to Uncle Rad and his meet-cute with Frisky.
It is one of only a few episodes where an adult character (Uncle Rad in this case) says the intro “This episode of Bluey is called Double Babysitter.”
The episode is about Bluey’s anxiety related to babysitter put down. Put down is Australian for bedtime routine.
We also see Chilli and Bandit make a scheduling error that results in both Uncle Rad and the regular babysitter, Frisky, to come to the house. This episode shows the inadvertent start of a romantic relationship between the two.
This is one of the best Bluey episodes if you enjoy rom-coms due to the nod to the two side characters meeting each other for the first time and clearly hitting it off.
7. Teasing
Teasing is the best Bluey episode to highlight how a lot of dads, such as myself, show love and affection towards the ones they love through, well, teasing. It is the 48th episode of the first season of Bluey.
In Teasing, the family confronts Bandit about all the times he has teased them over the years. Much of it is relatable and funny, making it one of the best Bluey episodes for parents.
The episode spot on captures the jovial spirit that a good father will have when teasing or playing with their kids and spouse, but also how even good spirited fun can go too far. Finding the balance is the challenge.
6. Road Trip
Road Trip, also known as Grey Nomads, shows the trials and tribulations of travelling a long distance with young kids in a car. The Grey Nomads Bluey episode is the 46th episode in season 2.
During the road trip, Chilli spends a considerable amount of time trying to appease and entertain the kids, while Bandit’s soul focus is staying ahead of the Grey Nomads that come complete with their own theme song as they approach.
If you are not familiar with Grey Nomads, they are retirees who travel around Australia or other countries in campers. They are depicted in Bluey as incredibly slow and often taking up the best spots at camp grounds and other popular destinations.
5. Dunny
One of the best episodes of Bluey, Dunny is episode 48 of season 2. It shows the Heelers debate the use of the term “dunny.”
As Chilli explains, dunny is the improper term for “toilet” that the Queen would never say. In true to life fashion, she no sooner explains this to the kids than Bandit proclaims that “the dunny’s free.”
Though not as emotionally deep as other episodes of Bluey, this one takes on some of the weird, subtle challenges of explaining words we use every day to kids and explaining the nuisances of their use.
Dunny is not bad, but its not good. You can say it at home, but you shouldn’t say it out in public. Some households say it, others don’t, but neither household is better than the other.
4. Grannies
Grannies is pretty close to being the best Bluey episode so far. It is episode 28 of the first season.
Grannies shows Bluey and Bingo acting as Grannies, doing only what Grannies would do. The driving conflict occurs when Bingo and Bluey argue over whether grannies can floss (the dance move).
Bluey learns a lesson that it is more important to play with Bingo than it is to be right and so she teaches her granny to floss to show Bingo that grannies can floss. The episode also features some funny reactions from Chilli and Bandit to their antics as they break the fourth wall a few times.
This episode marks a few firsts for Bluey. It is the first appearance of Chris and Bob, Bluey’s grandparents. It is also the first appearance of a Long Dog (a visual Easter Egg hidden in several Bluey episodes) as a drawing seen on Nana’s fridge instead of a toy.
3. Whale Watching
In the 22nd episode of season 3, we finally get a glimpse of a hungover Chilli and Bandit. Some insist it was just a “late night” for them. But nah. It was the day after New Years eve.
We all know what hungover people look like when they wake up and struggle to cope with a day as the alcohol leaves their system.
Anyway, the girls play whale watching tour with their dad as the boat laying flat on his back most of the time. Chilli doesn’t get involved until the end when guilted into it by the dry narrator of the whale documentary that is playing on their TV.
2. Stumpfest
Stumpfest is episode 6 of season 2.
Stumpfest! Something nearly any parent can relate to, Bluey and her friends end up blocking the progress of removing stumps from the Heeler’s backyard.
It is one of several episodes where Pat flirts openly with Chilli, which supports at least one Bluey conspiracy theory.
It is also is a great example of continuation of story. Bandit, Pat, and Uncle Stripe need to remove the stumps to put a fish pond in. In a later episode called Tradies, the fish pond gets installed.
Like most of the top episodes of Bluey, Stumpfest is easy to relate to as a parent, contains humor relatable to adults, and is generally worth the watch. Also, if you like looking for Bluey long dogs, you can see one in this episode.
1. Granny Mobile
The best Bluey episode of all is a newer addition from season 3, episode 33 called Granny Mobile.
This episode shows the Heelers and Muffin pull over at a neighbor’s yard sale with a granny mobile (motorized wheelchair) for sale. The girls decide to be different types of grannies with Muffin becoming Grouchy Granny.
Grouchy Granny orders Bandit around, insisting that he push her and avoid the cracks in the sidewalk. She then gets into a haggling war with an actual grouchy granny who wants to buy the granny mobile. Hilarity ensues.
It is arguably one of the funniest and best episode of Bluey for parents, which makes it reach the very top of the best episodes of Bluey list.
Didn’t see your preferred best Bluey episode? Share your thought in the comments.
Other content not related to the best Bluey episode to check out
Want to read more about just the best Bluey episode, then you will want to check out these other Bluey articles:
- Bluey Characters
- Bluey A Better Way to Disney Junior: Parent Review
- Bingo from Bluey
- Bluey Conspiracy Theories
- Bluey Inspired Games
- Bluey Long Dog Sightings
Where to watch the best Bluey episode
Disney Junior plays Bluey episodes relatively frequently. Of course, you will have to get lucky to see your favorite.
If you want to just check out specific episodes, then you will want to get Disney+. The app allows you to stream most episodes of Bluey.
You can also purchase hardcopies of Bluey season 1 and 2 from Amazon. Full disclosure: if you click that link and make a purchase of the DVD set, I will get a small, small percentage of the sale.